A Man Goes Into A Cafe And Asks For Breakfast Done ‘My Way’

 A Man Goes Into A Cafe And Asks For Breakfast Done ‘My Way’

He says can I get a full cooked breakfast but I need it cooked my way, he said 

‘Can I have bacon that’s so burnt that it’s blackened like pieces of chiselled anthracite?’ 

‘Can I have sausages that are so rubbery that you could bounce them off the ground and they would hit the roof?’

‘Can I have all the shell broken up through my scrambled eggs so it tastes like an egg praline?’

‘Can I have the tomatoes, mushrooms, and beans so overcooked and watery that they just taste like greasy congealed slime?’

The man behind the counter says ‘don’t be ridiculous! You expect me to have the time to do all of that for you?’ 

And the guy says ‘well no but you seemed to find the time yesterday’ 

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