A woman walks up to a bus stop to wait for a bus.



A woman walks up to a bus stop to wait for a bus.

A woman walks up to a bus stop to wait for a bus. The only other person waiting there is a guy wearing a ballerina outfit, full clown makeup and has an orange traffic cone on his head. 

The woman tries to keep quiet but after a few minutes she can’t resist and asks the guy, “Hey, um…what’s with the outfit?”

“What do you mean?” he responds.

“Well, you’re wearing a tutu, clown makeup and you have a traffic cone on your head,” she says.

“Yeah,” he says casually. “It’s Wednesday. I always wear my ballerina outfit with my clown makeup and cone hat on Wednesdays.” 

She replies, “It’s actually Tuesday today.”

“It’s Tuesday?!” the guy says. “Oh man…I must look like a fucking idiot.”

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When Hands Speak Louder Than Words: The Chemistry of a Life-Changing Touch"

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