FUNNY JOKE πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Three Nuns Commit Sins and Go to Confession


FUNNY JOKE πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Three Nuns Commit Sins and Go to Confession

 Three nuns told a priest they were going to commit a sin each. Afterward, they came back to him to say their confession so he could bless them.

Three nuns in a convent went to their priest and told him they would commit one sin each. The priest said okay and asked them to go and sin, adding that he will bless them when they come back.
The nuns went, committed their sins, and returned to the priest for confessions and blessings. The priest asked the first nun, who was laughing, what sin she committed.

She said she made love to a guy. The priest said okay and blessed her. He asked her to drink some holy water, and she did as instructed.
The second nun was laughing even harder, prompting the priest to ask her what sin she had committed. She said she got into 

a threesome with two guys." The priest was a bit taken aback but still blessed her and told her to drink some holy water as well. She complied.

Finally, the third nun was laughing so hard she could barely stand. The priest, now very curious, asked her what sin she had committed. She managed to say between laughs, "I peed in the holy water!"

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