One day, a husband telephones his wife.
But his daughter answers, "Hello?"
"Hey honey, this is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?"
"No, Daddy. She's in the bedroom with Uncle Jake."
"But you don't have an uncle Jake, sweetie."
"Uh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the bedroom with Mommy right now."
"Okay honey, I need you to go near the bedroom and shout, 'Daddy's car just pulled out into the driveway!'"
"And then come back and call me a few minutes later."
The daughter counts back, "I did it, Daddy!"
"Well, what happened?"
"Mommy got scared, started running around, tripped, and fell out the window!"
The husband gasps, "Oh no! Is she okay?"
The daughter replies, "I think so. She landed in the bushes."
The husband sighs in relief, "Okay, honey, now I need you to go upstairs, grab the phone from Uncle Jake, and tell him to get out of our house before I get home."
The daughter pauses, then says, "Daddy, Uncle Jake just ran out the door too!"
The husband asks, "Is he okay?"
The daughter replies, "I think so. He landed on Mommy."