Dave goes to the doctor and tells him that he's been unable to please his wi-fe in be-d.
After finding nothing wrong physically, the doctor asks if their bedroom is comfortable.
"Now that you mention it, it's the hottest room in the house," says Dave. "And right now I can't afford an air conditioner, or even a floor fan."
"In that case," says the doctor, "you might consider having a friend come over and fan you and your wife with a towel while you make love. That might help."
So that night Dave calls his old friend, Frank, explains the situation, and he agrees to help. Frank comes over, stands by the bed, and fans them with a towel while they start going at it.
Ten minutes pass... then twenty... and Dave's wife is no closer to an orgasm than when they started. Exasperated, Dave has an idea. "Hey, Frank, why don't I fan the towel while you do it with my wife? It's worth a try."
His wife and Frank agree to try it. Frank strips down, and he's built like a Greek god. His huge penis is standing up like a proud warrior. He joins Dave's wife on the bed while Dave takes the towel and starts waving it. Within minutes, the wife is in the throes of loud, orgasmic ecstasy.
"See that, Frank?" shouts Dave triumphantly. "*That's* how you wave a towel!"
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At 63, I discovered the best se.x of my life was just beginning
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One Rainy Afternoon:
I Fell for My Husband’s Best Friend — and I Let It Happen
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Did Catherine Really Have Se-x With a Horse? Power, Pleasure, and the Art of Destroying Queens
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I Had Se-x with My Friend’s Dad
Mas-tur-bat-ion After 50: Why It’s Time to Break the Taboo and Embrace the Benefits
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One Rainy Afternoon:
I Fell for My Husband’s Best Friend — and I Let It Happen
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Size Doesn’t Matter in S.ex? That’s a Lie